fredag 8 maj 2015

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GTA 5 - Fuel Script V 0.5

By: J@ck On: 14:56
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  • Fuel Script V 0.5 by Sakis25 

    The first fuel mod for GTA V! 

    • Fuel bar above the minimap 
    • Engine stops if you run out of fuel 
    • To refill fuel stop the car near a petrol station and sound the horn 
    • You can also refill your car using the jerry can (hold L near vehicle) 
    • When you run low on gas the fuel bar turns red 
    • Blips with petrol station locations on map 
    • Map with petrol station locations included in archive 

    What's New in 0.5: 
    - You can now refill your gas tank using the jerry can (hold L near vehicle) (thanks to faztsquirrel) 
    - Blips are now always visible on map and they appear on minimap when you are close enough 
    - Fuel bar now works on cars and bikes only 
    - Hint is now displayed on top left corner when needed 
    - The fuel now lasts longer 
    - Lots of code optimizations 
    - Bug fixes 

    Script Hook V 
    LUA Plugin for Script Hook V 

    To Do: 
    - Add all the fuel stations on the map to be able to refill fuel from there 
    - Hide fuel from bicycles, airplanes, boats etc. 
    - Somehow store the fuel for the last 5 vehicles. Currently if you get on another car, then all fuel amount is reset to random value 

    Special Thanks: 
    - haws1290 
    - Daxwolf 
    - faztsquirrel 

    Installation Instructions: 
    Make sure you have the above requirements first 
    Extract "FuelScriptV" in the GTA 5 Folder 
    Make sure "FuelScriptV.lua" is in the "scripts\addins\" folder 

    Fuel Script V 0.5


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